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THE MANY HATS I WEAR by Dr. Haseena Kabeer


Dr. Haseena Kabeer

 In a room filled with restless minds,  

Where dreams take flight but often unwind,  

I stand not just as a guide or sage,  

But a doctor, mending hearts at every stage.

 A doctor I am, with no stethoscope in hand,  

Treating their wounds, helping them stand.  

When their spirits break, I sew the seams,  

Nurturing hope, rebuilding dreams.

I’m a psychologist, reading between the lines,  

Listening to stories hidden behind their signs.  

In their silence, I hear their calls,  

Guiding them gently, lest they fall.

 But most of all, I am a mother to all,  

Catching them each time they stumble and fall.  

I scold when needed, but with a gentle touch,  

For after the storm, I comfort them music

 I pamper with love, after lessons are learned,  

For every mistake is a wisdom earned.  

In their eyes, I see the future bright,  

I shape their world, I ignite their light.

 Through the chaos, the joy, the tears,  

I walk with them through their fears.  

For though the road is tough, I know,  

In their hearts, the seeds I sow.

A teacher I am, with many roles to play,  

In each of their lives, I find my way.  

For in their success, my heart takes flight,  

In their journey, I find my light.

Dr. Haseena Kabeer is an eminent columnist and literary scholar settled in UAE .


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