A Book
Eva Lianou Petropoulou
A book's pages are opened
And a boy starts to read
Heroes come out of the chapter
Weapons start to make a noise
Bombs were coming down to buildings
School were vanished
The boy starts to cry
Nobody could hear it
They were all occupied to count their small green and blue papers.
So many papers
So many bombs
So many people occupied doing nothing
That destroyed everything
It made the boy close the book.
He took another one
And starts looking at the beautiful illustrations
So many flowers
And strange fruits
And a lot of animals that were sitting just around a big lake.
There was also a forest with big trees
And a tall mountain
The chapter had a title:
'The peaceful world of
The boy happily continues to read
and that afternoon becomes the most amazing in the world..
Eva Lianou Petropoulou is an awarded author and poet from Greece with more than 25 years in the Literary field and has published more that 10 books. Her poems are translated in more than 15 languages.
Eva Lianou Petropoulou is President of creativity and art of Mil Mentes Por Mexico Association and represents Greece. She is also a member of International Association of Author and Artist, Greece. She is member of Association of Korinthian Authors, Association of Author and Artist Pireas. She is an advisor of Web magazino in China. She is member of Editorial Board, and an Ambassador of Namaste Magazine India and represents Greece.